How Long Does It Take for Facial Fillers to Settle?

Facial fillers can take up to four weeks to settle, according to Healthline. Different types of fillers may settle more quickly, and lifestyle and other factors can also influence the amount of time it takes. Generally, you can expect to wait 14 days at most for the filler to settle. In comparison, invasive cosmetic procedures may take two to three hours to address an aesthetic issue, while dermal filler injections can be done in just one hour.Dermal fillers are instantaneous, so you can see a visible result immediately after injection.

However, it may take several weeks for the filler to soften and settle on the skin. The filling takes up to 4 weeks to fully integrate into the fabric and some fillers are more cohesive than others. This means that patients will not see the final results of their treatment immediately.Although individual results will vary, many people achieve the full effect within two weeks of giving the injections. There are several reasons why it takes time for dermal fillers to “settle in place”.

Some fillers, such as Juvederm, are gel-like substances made with hyaluronic acid. Once injected into the skin, they begin to break down and integrate into the dermal tissue, binding to water molecules and hydrating the skin from the inside out.This process may take several days and, in some cases, weeks, but the result is a natural and smoother looking skin. Most dermal fillers “settle completely within three weeks. Much of the fullness you notice during the first few weeks is actually swelling and not the product itself.

Most dermal fillers are now pre-mixed with lidocaine (an anesthetic agent) for maximum comfort.However, the addition of lidocaine causes a little more swelling than the product injected alone. The vast majority of swelling usually subsides within 48 to 72 hours. Two to three weeks after the injection (when all the swelling has resolved) is a good time to decide if more product is needed.Restylane is a dermal filler that is incredibly similar to Juvederm Vollure XC in that it is FDA-approved to smooth moderate to severe facial wrinkles and folds by adding volume to the area. Today's dermal fillers provide an accessible, non-surgical anti-aging solution for everything from minimal wrinkles to deeper facials.In the UK, fillers are not considered a medical substance and, as a result, there are few restrictions or regulations, meaning many professionals will consult the US Food Drug Administration (FDA) for guidance on the use and safety of fillers.

In general, fillers that are injected into highly mobile areas of the face, such as the lips, disappear more quickly than fillers given elsewhere.It is normal for some swelling and possibly even some bruising for a few days after facial fillers, but you will usually see an immediate difference in the volume and shape of the treated area. Now that you know what filler is and how it works, lip expert and aesthetic doctor Dr. Tijon Esho shares his three key requirements to consider if you are considering lip fillers.For example, if you used hyaluronic acid fillers to create moderate improvements to your lips, these facial features may look very thick for a couple of days. More recently, fillers are used to augment and enhance facial features such as creating sharper cheekbones, more defined jaw lines, and straighter noses.

Carole Toussant
Carole Toussant

Hipster-friendly analyst. Incurable zombie geek. Evil reader. Unapologetic coffee lover. Amateur web expert.